This is an entry-level (beginner) certification level course. One of our highly trained Instructors will education and train you how to safely scuba dive.

By the end of this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge to dive and be an ambassador for the underwater world.

Earning your Open Water Scuba Diver Certification card is an accomplishment for which you will rightfully feel proud, and you will be ready to begin a lifetime of underwater adventures and discovering.

Course Purchase Includes:

  • Independent Study Online ELearning
  • Classroom Academic Workshop
  • Rental Gear -  Wetsuit, BCD, Regulator, Tank and Weights
  • Confine (Pool) Water Training Skills
  • Four Open Water Training Dives
  • Instructor Fees
  • Lifelong Open Water Scuba Diver Digital Certification

Boat Dive Training Trip is an Extra Cost of $195.


Read the entire "description" of this course to ensure you fully understand its requirements before purchasing it.  If you have any questions call us and speak with a dive professional from the training department.

Starting from

Availability: In Stock

Once this course is purchased within 24 hours, Riverside Scuba's Training Department will create either a NAUI or SDI account for you, and enroll you in the course.  Once the activation code is activated, you will receive an email with instructions to create a password.  Once you have completed this process you can start your On-line E-Learning portion of the course.


  • 15 years old for Open Water Scuba Diver certification.
  • 10 -14 years old for Junior Open Water Scuba Diver certification.
  • Know how to swim

Water Skills Training Include

  • Regulator Removal, Placement & Recovery

  • Mask Partial Flooding,Clearing and Full Removal, Placement & Clearing

  • Buoyancy Skills

  • Equalization Techniques

  • Ascents and Descents

  • Out of Air Procedures

  • Buddy Assistance

  • ... and much more!

You will have plenty of time for just plain old FUN!!! We will make sure you are completely comfortable in this confined water environment before we move on to the next step - Open Water Check Out Dives.

The Open Water dives will give you the actual practical experience you need to feel confident to dive safely on your own.


1st Phase

Online eLearning makes it easy to fit scuba lessons into a busy schedule. Learn about scuba diving principles and terminology whenever, wherever it's convenient for you.

It's your course on your time. Study offline, or online using a computer or mobile device. Connect with your instructor whenever you have a question.

  • eLearning time commitment: 5-10 hours

The Open Water Scuba Diver course consists of four phases.

  1. Independent online e-learning academic study.  This makes it easy to fit scuba lessons into your busy schedule. Learn about scuba diving principles and terminology whenever, wherever it's convenient for you whether on the go, at home or at work. This phase consists of 44 core topics and a short quiz for each topic and a final exam. During the on-line portion you will learn modern dive equipment, diving sciences, responsible diving practices, environment, fundamental knowledge, skills to safely scuba dive and the safe rules of scuba diving down to a trained maximum depth of 60th feet at the comfort and pace at home with a computer, tablet or mobile device.
  2. Classroom Academic Session(s).  Here we will review the on-line academic topics that you had struggled, along with the 3 rules of diving, Dive Tables, Lungs, Nitrogen & Diving, what is Decompression Sickness (DCS) and Lung Overpansion Injury, and how to avoid it, Equipment Assembly etc...
  3. Confine Water (pool) training session(s).  Diving skills will be taught and practiced first in the comfort and convenience of a pool, under the supervision of an Instructor.  The following water training skills will be as follows:
  • Inflator Hose Disconnect and Connect From BCD Power Inflator 

  • SMB Deployment On The Surface

  • Tire Diver Tow (3 methods) On The Surface

  • Self and Buddy Cramp Removal on The Surface

  • BCD Removal and Placement on The Surface and At The Bottom

  • Regulator Removal, Placement & Recovery At The Bottom

  • Mask Partial Flooding,Clearing and Full Removal, Placement & Clearing At The Bottom

  • Stationary Share Air As a Donor and Receiver

  • Buoyancy Skills At The Bottom

  • Equalization Techniques At The Bottom

  • Ascents and Descents

  • Buddy Assistance

  • ... and much more!


4th Phase, open water training.  It consists of four (4) open water dives, divided in two (2) separate calendar days under the supervision of an Instructor.  During this session, you will apply the knowledge and skills you have learned during your academic sessions and pool training.  

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be considered competent to engage in open water diving activities without supervision down to a trained maximum depth of 60 feet provided the diving activities and the areas dived approximate those of training with a certified dive buddy.  That's why this course is the foundation upon which your entire diving adventure is based.


All of the above pricing is based upon student purchasing their Basic Personal Gear Package from Riverside Scuba, Inc. i.e. Mask, Snorkel, Boots, Fins, Gloves, Hood, Safety SMB , Safety Whistle and log book.  Students who have their own personal basic personal gear package/or purchased said package from another retailer, there will be an additional charge for the course in the amount of $100.00.  Please contact Riverside Scuba, Inc. for any and all terms, conditions & requirements.


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